Being Smart with Feelings

Biohacking is becoming an increasingly popular subject. Executives are drinking butter-filled Bulletproof Coffee; people’s watches are telling them how many steps they’ve taken today; smart drugs and nootropics are on the rise. But something is missing in most...

Did You Hear What She Said?

“I don’t have time to gaze at my navel!” That’s one of the things my mom used to say to me all the time. Which is exactly why I spent so much time developing my skills to get results IN THE WORLD. That means improved communication, more powerful influence,...

Soundcheck — How to Optimize Your Internal Audio

Unless you are hearing impaired, sound is a critical aspect of your existence. And that’s just as true on the inside as it is on the outside. Now, most people think that it’s what they are saying — the content — that matters. And while there’s truth to that, I would...

Configuring Your Best State (and Much More)

The video above is packed with information! We’re going to get into: — Noticing how you are at your best — The stupid things people (other than you) 😉 do to make themselves feel bad — How Trauma occurs and how it becomes a near-permanent downgrade to your life — How...

Communicate More Effectively Now

Would you like to communicate more effectively? If so, read on. In fact, if you don’t know how to do what I’m going to show you in this video, you’re playing the game of life with one eye closed. Not only will this video help to improve your effective communication,...