Essential Frequencies
The Catalyst H.OS is designed to bias you to experience your Essential Frequency (Ef) above all else. It is structured to ensure the well-formedness and integrity of all behaviors, beliefs, and actions in relation to this essence of you. When in doubt, reset to your Essential Frequency.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola TeslaYou began as a spark of life, an essential frequency through which all the possibilities of the universe exist. That unique energetic signature is stamped on every molecule of your DNA.WHAT IS ESSENTIAL FREQUENCY?
Your body is the platform on which all intelligence
and abilities run. The meat and muscle. The chemistry and biology.Network 1 requires maintenance of its basic needs and in return offers the benefits of physical existence and sensory awareness.Your body is the basic brain-world interface of you.Body States
The state of your body – the way your muscles and senses are organized – sets the stage for all experience, sensation, awareness, and movement. It is the fundamental platform on which all other behavioral software runs. If this basic platform has viruses (chronic tension, stress, anxiety) then nothing else will work well. If used and maintained properly you will be fully aware of your entire body all the time and potentiated for powerful in-time awareness and response. This unified, full-body awareness is the optimal state for readiness, health, and high performance.
Network 2 animates the matter of you through space. It uses primal drives like hunger, thirst, fear, and sexual desire to drive you toward and away from things. Each of these motivational states are hardwired into habitual muscular patterns. The programs of this network orient your attention, process sensory input, and coordinate motor movement — all in pursuit of your desires.Network 3 brings online three new dimensions of intelligence – Emotion, Imagination, and Memory. Alone, each of them is powerful. Together, they enable the construction of a massive concept database – your map of everything you know about the entire universe. This is a complete imagination of the outside world. However, every concept in the database is embodied; encoded as a unique configuration of the entire sensorimotor system that exists both in your body and in the space around you. It is through this concept database that you interact with the world. The information in it is the embodied knowledge bank from which you make all meaning. If malfunctioning, the concepts of your database will not match your perceptions – leading to dissonance in your life and performance. If working properly, your database represents your surroundings – and all perceptions – accurately and in resonance with your Ef. This enables correct identification of what things are important to you so they can be continually engaged and mastered.Network 4 creates order out of chaos, mobilizing the individual concepts of your database through massive metaphors which frame reality. These are the stories you tell yourself that give meaning to your life. The mythic frames of Net 4 and your role within them organize the way you interpret and respond to everyone and everything. Optimization here means that the stories behave according to the concepts of Net 3; that any identities or personal mythologies congruently guide all your behaviors.Network 5 activates faculties critical to fulfilling desires and effectively designing your life. It enables resource and status assessment as well as your ability to identify your own unique value. This ability to assess and analyze empowers you to organize your mind and the world around you to your advantage. In so doing, you are able to identify what you want, act to create those chosen outcomes, assess your success or failure, and improve your performance. In this way, you create a virtuous circle of action and assessment that moves you ever closer to the fulfillment of your desires.Network 6 activates what are known as the executive functions of your brain: strategy, discrimination, decision making. It also unlocks your “mystical” functions: the blissful experience of unity… with others… with the world around you… with the universe. With an optimized H.OS, Net 6 creates communion between the world as you want it to be and the world as it is. To say it differently, you are able to feel as though the future you want already exists, just not yet. Vibrating at the frequency of your desired world you become as a Singularity, a gravitational force around which reality bends, while you move steadily and stably into your target future. Like this, you are locked into a state of complete acceptance and possibility. Everything that emerges is simply another event in the perfect expression of your Essential Frequency.